Greitai džiūstantis išlyginamasis sluoksnis - Galime pasiūlyti išlyginamąjį sluoksnį, kuris bus pakankamai sausas, kad būtų galima uždengti per tik 4 valandas
We can offer screeding solutions that will allow you to lay floor coverings (e.g. tiles, vinyl, carpets, etc.) after hours rather than days. Whatever your programme dictates, we have a screed solution to fit. So don’t let drying times hold up your programme, contact us today to discuss the options. Another bonus with fast drying screeds is that you can ‘traffic’ them quicker without having to wait for 7 days. You would have to wait for at least 7 days with a traditional screed before ‘trafficking’ it, as per BS8204. How fast you can ‘traffic’ depends on which screed solution you opt for but, once again, this can be as little as 24 hours. This can be extremely useful if time is tight in your programme.
Fast drying screeds are used to reduce the drying time form months to days, which allows for early laying and installation of the chosen floor coverings.
Key facts about Fast Drying Screed
Allows for early foot trafficking
No waiting months to lay floor coverings
No need for liquid DPM on